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During Fall, Winter and Spring, CSDS members meet monthly at the Elk Grove Village Township Hall at 600 Landmeier Road. Meetings are usually held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Doors open at 1:00 pm, and meetings begin at 1:30 pm.

The highlight of spring is the CSDS Annual Dahlia Sale in May at the Chicago Botanic Garden where the public can buy dahlia plants that have been grown and propagated by members. Summer is filled with members-only garden walks and an annual picnic. The season culminates in the CSDS Annual Dahlia Show in September at the Chicago Botanic Garden where members display their finest blooms and compete for a spot on the honor table. The year concludes with the annual holiday party and an awards banquet. 


​Please see the Annual Calendar for more details.

All dahlia enthusiasts from novice to experienced growers are welcome to Join CSDS. New members can request a Dahlia Bud-dy to help them learn one-on-one from a seasoned member.


For more information, please Contact Us .

CSDS is a participating society of the American Dahlia Society and a member of the Midwest Dahlia Conference.

Photos by Sonia Harmon, George Koons, Ted Magura, and Charlene Sales.

Copyright, Central States Dahlia Society.  All rights reserved.

Central States Dahlia Society is a participating society of the American Dahlia Society (ADS). The ADS is made up of over 70 local dahlia societies within the United States and Canada. To find a dahlia society near you, or to learn about growing and showing dahlias visit the ADS website.

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